Eek! Tila Tequila took to Facebook on Feb. 24 to get out Kim Kardashian and how she dresses in a wild religious tirade. See it here.
Tila Tequila, 36, set aside the opportunity to shade Kim Kardashian, 37, and other ladies who dress like her in a long inwardly energized Facebook tirade on Feb. 24 and it was very brutal! The TV character posted two photographs of Kim strolling on the shoreline in a swimsuit and went with it with some religious statements alongside her solid assessment. “God uncovered another fantasy of disclosure to me the previous evening while I was sleeping!,” her post read. “I was with a companion who was seeing someone, he was all the while following jezebel prostitutes like @kimkardashian via web-based networking media. I revealed to him that he ought not tail ANYONE who is posting provocative photographs since it is making his eyes sin! At that point I advised him that God stated, ‘And if your correct hand makes you sin, cut it off and discard it. For it is better that you lose one of your individuals than that your entire body go into damnation.’- Mathew 5:30.” SEE THE WHOLE RANT BELOW!
Tila’s stunning post proceeded on and she communicated how she supposes any individual who is seeing someone not take after Kim or other people who post attractive photographs via web-based networking media. “In the event that you are seeing someone should CEASE from tailing ANYONE who posts provocative photographs that would make you subtly or even transparently yearn for them!,” her post said. “This decline age has standardized infidelity so everybody believes it’s alright to be hitched or in a relationship and still go around ‘preferring’ other ladies’ photographs on the web.” Tila, who has been known for her own history of being a sex image, likewise utilized the post to concede her past and what she now feels is a bad behavior. “Truly, I USED to do that too quite a while prior, however I atoned when I was conceived again and got spared by the blood of Jesus!,” she said.
Despite the fact that Tila’s stubborn post about Kim may appear to be entirely judgmental, this isn’t the first run through she’s stood up about others with respect to her religious convictions. She stood out as truly newsworthy when she took to Facebook to post a peculiar message about how she believes she was the reason for porn star Olivia Nova‘s demise in Jan. after she petitioned God for porn stars to fall sick and cease to exist so the porn business could be demolished.

TheMagazineCityrs, what do you consider Tila’s post? Tell us!
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